Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
I don’t love western movies, but this in my opinion is one of the best old western movies out there. I am taking it way back with this movie…it was filmed in 1969, and takes place in the early 1900’s.
The two main leads Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid lead a local gang of outlaws.
Butch is played by Paul Newman and Sundance by Robert Redford.. LEGENDS in their day…and to me still!
They are notorious for robbing banks and train convoys, and it always seemed to go smoothly.. The film tackles a sad truth for these outlaws, it is filmed during the turn of the century. What does this mean for this band of outlaws? Technological advances are complicating their work, word is spread faster and further about their antics, and law enforcement is harder to outrun. Not to mention the banks and rich people being robbed have had enough, and clearly have the means to do something about it now. These new arising issues cause the gang to question Butch’s leadership, and we slowly see things start to unravel between the group.
The movie then takes us on what should be a routine heist, but a surprise is waiting for them… six men on horseback jump off of the train and pursue them. As the scene continues, it becomes very clear these men won’t stop until they catch these two.
Butch and Sundance from this point on, are on the run constantly, staying in one place is no longer a viable plan.
Assisted and aided by their friend Etta they manage to keep escaping.
Even though they are outlaws and participating in obvious wrongdoings, the audience begins to root for them. (We want to see them succeed and get away.)
After realizing they won’t survive much longer in the states the two think Bolivia is their next destination, and they do in fact make it there.
It is at this point things really start to get messy. They had a failed robbery attempt, a successful but messy one..and oh yea.. they don’t know how to speak spanish..in a predominantly spanish speaking country.
After being paranoid about getting in trouble with the law again, they decide to try to make an honest living. This doesn’t last..It is their first day on the job, and they get attacked by Bolivian bandits. They cannot seem to escape violence. From here the movie is all downhill for this duo of bandits...but I don't want to say too much more on the ending.
If old westerns interest you, I highly highly recommend giving this film a shot!
Wow you are not afraid to genre hop! I admire this.